The world has been heavily flooded this week – a video shows the consequences of devastating floods in four different countries

EPN in Eastern Ukraine People are very worried This will

Several continents have experienced devastating and sometimes exceptional floods this week. Extreme weather events, such as floods, are becoming more common due to climate change.

In July, extensive wildfires in southern Europe, caused by exceptionally hot and dry heat periods, have been prominently reported.

This week, however, there have also been strong floods caused by heavy rains around the world.

compiled footage from four devastating floods into a video.

In the eastern parts of the US state of Kentucky, in the Appalachian region, at least 26 people have died in the floods that occurred this week. At least six of them are children.

Heavy rains are common in Appalachia, but this is the worst flooding in decades.

Other natural disasters have also tested Kentucky. In December, a tornado killed nearly 60 people in the western parts of the state.

Desert floods and monsoon rains

Known for its hot and dry deserts, the United Arab Emirates has experienced completely exceptional heavy summer rains that caused widespread flooding.

According to the news channel Al Jazeera, the United Arab Emirates and neighboring Qatar are not used to similar weather. The floods have killed at least seven people.

In Iran, at least 80 people have died in the floods, which are the most destructive in a decade. The floods are caused by monsoon rains in India.

Summer heavy rains are common in Iran. However, these rains have been exceptionally heavy and have caused havoc even in the normally dry Fars province.

In Pakistan, the annual monsoon rains have caused widespread destruction during the summer. More than 300 people have died as a result of the floods.

Pakistan is one of the world’s most vulnerable countries to the consequences of climate change according to the Global Risk Index by (you switch to another service)says the British newspaper Guardian.

The index measures the damage caused by extreme weather events. In Pakistan, environmental disasters led to an estimated 10,000 deaths and 4 billion euros in economic losses between 2010 and 2018.

Pakistan has also suffered from a deadly heat wave this year.

Due to climate change, extreme weather events such as hurricanes and floods are becoming more common.
