Man injured after intervention in Stockholm’s subway

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Last night, an alarm was received about a man who caused a commotion in Stockholm’s subway.

During the intervention of the security guards, the man was seriously injured.

– He lost consciousness and life-saving measures were started, says police spokesperson Tove Hägg.

At 01:00 last night, security guards alerted the police about a disorderly man in Stockholm’s subway.

– He is said to have been running around, harassing and abusing people on the platform, but it is a bit unclear at the moment. They stated that there was a commotion and that they needed help, says Tove Hägg.

In connection with the intervention of the security guards, the man was seriously injured.

– He lost consciousness and life-saving measures were started. He has now been taken to hospital, says Tove Hägg.

There is no further information on the state of the damage.

Are there any suspicions of crime in connection with the intervention?

– We need to look at cameras and talk to people, so I have no information about that at the moment, she says.
