It is not always easy to get the sex life going and many couples find it a big challenge in making time for intimacy. Sexologist Kalle Norberg has a long experience of helping couples in just such situations and has some tips on how you can increase desire during the holidays.
Plan your intimacy
—Here, many people frown and think: rather unsexy. But if you don’t do that, often nothing happens. Planning can enable intimacy and intimacy is not just intercourse. Even through discussions and conversations you get intimacy.
Intimacy is thus not only about the sexual aspects of the relationship, but is created in the closeness you get through conversations with your partner. Therefore, it is also important to work on relationships in other ways so that sexuality can also flourish, where an important part is about making time for each other.
Broaden perspectives
—If we say, I would like to do this with you, then we broaden the perspectives of what desire can be.
The sexologist also believes that much research indicates that it is important to think about what is working rather than what is going badly in the relationship.
—You should focus on the pluses rather than the minuses, so the probability that it will be a good holiday increases.
You can see Kalle’s tips in the player above.