Covid map: France, world, incidence, by department

Covid map France world incidence by department

COVID SITUATION TODAY. Covid contaminations are slowing down again, the maps prove it. What is the situation in France? By department? And in the world ? We take stock.

[Mis à jour le 29 juillet 2022 à 15h18] The peak of the 7th wave of Covid seems to have passed. Public Health France confirms in its last epidemiological point a “Declining incidence and positivity rates across all age groups and regions“. News rates hospitalizations were no longer increasing in all regions. This trend was also observed for the number of new critical care admissions. What is the Covid situation in each department or region of France? What is the incidence rate? For the trips this summer ? In Europe ? In the world ? What are the red areas ? here are the pictures published by Public Health France (and his website Geodes), the Ministry of Health and the Directorate-General for Health and the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) for the outbreak in Europe.

Map of countries for traveling

The map of countries classified by color according to their epidemic situation and published by the government has not changed since March 31, 2022.

Map of countries by color for travel on March 31, 2022 ©

Covid map in France by department

The number of people tested positive for Covid-19 per 100,000 inhabitants over the last 7 days (incidence rate) is a good indicator for understanding the progression of the epidemic. It is closely monitored by the government.

Map of the incidence rate in France

Map of Covid hospitalizations in France

Covid map in Europe

map europe covid july 2022
Map of the Covid epidemic in Europe updated on July 14, 2022 © ECDC

Covid map in the world

Maps of Covid cases and Covid-related deaths around the world are updated by theWHO.

Map of Covid cases around the world
Map of Covid-19 cases/100,000 inhabitants by country, 18-24 July 2022 © WHO
Map of covid deaths around the world
Map of deaths linked to Covid-19/100,000 inhabitants by country, 18-24 July 2022 © WHO

► See the animated spread of the coronavirus around the world


– For French data: dashboard available on and GEODES cartographic observatory of Public Health France.

– For international data: maps from the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) and WHO.
