SEO: why is it so important to update content that requires it?

SEO why is it so important to update content that

SEO consists of gathering traffic on a site through the creation of qualitative and quantitative content. Following the precepts of SEO experts, many companies have created a professional blog and regularly add new articles to enrich the number of pages. But it is sometimes the oldest articles that are best referenced. To ensure that they continue to meet the objectives of visibility and consistency, it may be necessary to update or improve them.

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Without going into the details of how SEO works (Search Engine Optimization), a SEO agency would do so more explicitly than we do, keep in mind that search engines aim to provide the most up-to-date and reliable information possible on their results pages.

Why update already existing articles?

In order not to see your efforts in vain, it is better to rework an article already published than to delete it to create a new one. This will allow you, on the one hand, to always benefit from the existing referencing and, on the other hand, to ensure that the links previously shared (on your social networks or by other content creators) will always lead to your site and not to an error page.

The challenges of updating content are multiple:

  • offer the most reliable and current content possible;
  • satisfy readers’ need for information;
  • update statements about the products or services you offer;
  • adapt the internal mesh and the management of links;
  • lengthen the article and improve its quality;
  • enrich the content with more recent or more expert information.

The other benefits of updating your articles

Before continuing, it seems important to us to specify that not all your articles are concerned. It is more strategic (and less expensive) to update the content that really requires it: because it generates a lot of traffic, because you want to explore the entirety of a theme, because it seems more relevant to you than to create other complementary articles that may be less seen…

However, there is no specific rule to observe regarding the frequency of revisions. It will all depend on the topic being discussed or the type of content being made available. For example, if you write computer tutorials, you should update them regularly so that they remain faithful to technical developments or new features that may have been added.

Modifying or adding content also ensures that internal or external links (in other words that redirect to sites that do not belong to you) are not broken. A hypertext link that leads to an error page will make you lose credibility with your audience but also with search engines…

In an SEO approach to strengthen the positioning of your pages, it may be relevant to change the focus of keywords. SEO experts are able to analyze your site’s performance and visit statistics to determine if the strategy of content-marketing is appropriate or if it needs to be adjusted to better meet your visibility goals. In addition to the numerical information, SEO specialists can also advise you or supplement you for the creation of optimized texts. Their seasoned look at good practices will guide you on the content that deserves to be reworked.

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