Therefore, Ukraine is blowing up its own bridges

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Ukraine is in full swing trying to recapture the occupied city of Kherson, which was the first to be captured by the Russians when the war broke out. During Thursday, the Ukrainian air force struck five Russian positions around the city, writes TT.

– Now we see that Ukraine has made the strategic decision to liberate these parts of the country. And they have said that they should do it before the end of September, says Lieutenant Colonel Joakim Paasikivi.

Three bridges around Kherson have been shelled by the Ukrainian army and destroyed to the extent that no heavier vehicles can drive on them. If the Russian forces want to get over, they need to build temporary pontoon bridges or use ferries instead.

– But the capacity does not correspond at all to the fixed bridges, says Joakim Paasikivi.

Bridges plain target

Trying to knock out bridges or other infrastructure is a common strategy in warfare. According to Joakim Paasikivi, it has been done in principle in all wars since explosives were invented. Even in the Ukrainian war, bridges and other infrastructure have previously been destroyed to try to slow down the enemy’s advance.

– A number of bridges have been destroyed by both sides. The Russians blew them up so that the Ukrainians wouldn’t get their maintenance but also when they were withdrawing from Kyiv so that the Ukrainians wouldn’t be able to pursue.

See Joakim Paasikivi tell more about why you destroy your own bridges during warfare.
