(Finance) – Covid-19 infections stabilize, which in recent days have returned to decline, also favoring an inversion of the curve of hospital admissions. According to the latest data from the Ministry of Health, in the last 24 hours, they registered 60,381 the new cases compared to the 63,837 of the previous day. It also slows down the number of victims that you carry to 199down from 207 yesterday.
The positivity rate drops to 20.3%, slightly down from yesterday when it was 21%, compared to 296,304 swabs performed between antigenic and molecular.
Both hospitalized patients go down intensive care instead of 406 (18 less than yesterday), against daily admissions equal to 49, both i hospitalized in ordinary wards which are 10,911 (183 less than yesterday).
Even independent monitoring of the GIMBE Foundation detected a decrease of new cases compared to the previous one at 473,820 (-25%), but you register a increase in deaths to 1,019 from 823. Currently positive cases and people in home isolation are decreasing, while hospitalizations with symptoms and intensive care are still on the rise. In the week analyzed in all the Regions there was a percentage decrease in new cases: from -11.1% in Calabria to -31.2% in Campania.
“For the second consecutive week – confirms President Nino Cartabellotta – the number of new weekly cases records a decline”.