Nooralotta Neziri will not be seen at the European Athletics Championships

Nooralotta Neziri will not be seen at the European Athletics

Nooralotta Neziri’s outdoor track season has been broken.

Quick beeper Nooralotta Neziri, 29, will not participate in the European Championships in Munich in August. Coaching manager of the Finnish Sports Association Tuomo Salonen confirms the matter to Urheilu.

Neziri was eligible for the games through the EC ranking. In the latest ranking, it was written about Nezir that he has given up his place in the race.

Salonen did not reveal the reason for the withdrawal.

– He is not participating in the European Championships. Otherwise, he will inform about the matter himself, says Salonen.

Urheilu could not reach Neziri to comment on his situation on Thursday.

The runner has suffered from a heel problem this summer, which has kept him sidelined from the Games for a long time.

Earlier on Thursday, it was reported that the seven-year-old of Maria Huntington the whole season is over due to the freezing symptoms of the coronavirus. Huntington had already been selected for the European Championship team.
