The miracle solution for gas and constipation! Try this mix

The miracle solution for gas and constipation Try this mix

Gas problem is among the most common digestive system problems. So how is gas formed and what is its solution? Gas generation is one of the routine functions of the digestive system. As the food is broken down in the digestive tract, some gas-forming substances are produced. Gas and bloating can be more in all foods rich in fiber (fiber), milk and dairy products, and this can negatively affect your quality of life.


Chew your food well.

Do not drink water while eating

With high probiotic content; Include yogurt and kefir in your daily diet.

Raw vegetables and fruits can increase gas distress, so try to eat vegetables by cooking them. Cut down on foods that are known to cause gas, such as cauliflower, collard greens, radishes, lentils, chickpeas, and dried beans. Especially apples and bananas are among the fruits that can cause gas distress, so consume these fruits carefully.


Milk and dairy products are among the foods of animal origin that can cause gas shortage. If you are facing gas shortage after consuming these products, choose lactose-free dairy products.


One of the spices, especially cumin, is an important spice that can be used to relieve gas distress. Adding a teaspoon to your meals will help you win the battle with cumin gas.

Some herbal teas can be helpful in solving your gas problem. You can solve your gas problem by adding chamomile, fennel, mint, nettle and lemon balm teas after the meal.

Taking short walks after meals can help you get rid of gas trouble.

WAYS TO PREVENT Constipation

Constipation is a health problem closely related to nutrition. Not including fibrous foods in the daily nutrition program, not taking enough fluids, adopting a sedentary lifestyle or applying long-term lean diet programs create the basis for the problem of constipation.


To prevent and solve constipation;

Add fiber-rich foods to your daily diet; Vegetables, grains and legumes are among the foods rich in fiber. If you are suffering from constipation, take advantage of these foods.


Thanks to the fiber they contain, fruits help your bowel movements to be regular. Especially the pear, apple, apricot, damson you will consume with their peels will benefit you in solving constipation. Again, prunes, dried apricots, dates and dried figs contain potassium, fiber and natural sugar, which will positively affect your intestinal flora and allow you to defecate comfortably.

Keeping water consumption in sufficient quantities is effective in preventing and solving constipation. Pay attention to your daily fluid consumption.

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Adding 1 teaspoon of flaxseed to your yogurt, salad or soups, 2 tablespoons of oats can help you fight constipation.

It is very important not to skip meals and to consume food in small bites and by chewing slowly in solving constipation.

move. Inactivity is one of the most important causes of constipation. In order for your excretory system to work actively; Try to increase your number of steps during the day…

If your constipation problem is accompanied by health problems such as abdominal pain, intestinal bleeding, nausea, weight loss, weakness, blood in the stool, keep in mind that this problem may indicate an important disease. If you are faced with such a situation, definitely seek medical help. Dietitian Pınar Demirkaya gave information about the subject.


  • 3-4 sun dried apricots
  • 2 dried figs
  • 3-4 prunes
  • 2 dates
  • 1 teaspoon of flaxseed
  • 1 teaspoon olive oil


Boil all dried fruits with 1 tea glass of water, then pass them all through the blender and add 1 teaspoon of flaxseed and 1 teaspoon of olive oil, the mixture you get is mixed with 1 teaspoon of water on an empty stomach every morning until your constipation is resolved. consume.
