Apple unveils new health innovations

Apple unveils new health innovations

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    Present in the health sector since 2014, the American multinational wants to work twice as hard for the start of the school year. Its flagship health product – the Apple Watch – will include new features.

    For several years, e-health has become part of the daily lives of patients and healthcare professionals. And the Apple brand hasn’t lagged behind with its Health app since 2014, and especially the Apple Watch since 2015. Now it wants to offer its users new features.

    Heart rate, medications and sleep

    Among the innovations of the American group, we find in particular watchOS 9 and its new medication management tool.

    This feature allows you to manage and track the intake of medications, vitamins and supplements by creating lists and configuring schedules and reminders. The application also allows you to receive alerts in the event of dangerous interactions, which may reduce the effectiveness of the treatment or cause undesirable side effects. This option is currently only available in the United States.

    The heart health of users is not no, more sluggish, as proven by the heart health indicator. With watchOS 9 it will be possible to monitor your heart rate and even identify the first signs of atrial fibrillation, a common heart rhythm disorder. It will also be possible to know how many times this heart disorder has appeared, for how long and what are the factors at the origin. This data can then be transmitted in the form of a “history” to a general practitioner or a cardiologist.

    This new version of the Apple Watch also provides estimates of cardiac recovery after outdoor exercise walking, running or hiking.

    Another interesting health indicator: sleep analysis. The monitoring of the latter is even more detailed with detection of the phases of sleep – paradoxical (REM), light or deep – thanks to the signals emitted by the accelerometer and the heart rate sensor.

    Finally, the brand offers people with motor disorders the possibility of controlling their watch using simple gestures, such as pinching their fingers or clenching their fists, without touching the screen.

    Meanwhile, Amazon opens the door to medical practices

    Apple is not the only company to advance “its pawns” in the field of health.

    The Amazon juggernaut has indeed announced that it has acquired the American start-up “One Medical” – an American telemedicine and medical practice platform – for the modest sum of 3.9 billion dollars.

    With more than 180 medical practices spread across the United States, this medical platform will allow the e-commerce giant to expand its teleconsultation offer, initiated in 2019.
