Missed entries in the role: we are moving towards another record of substitutes. Anief recurs

Missed entries in the role we are moving towards another

(Finance) – How many unassigned places will there be, due to lack of candidates, of the more than 94 thousand new teachers hired? Anief he predicted which will end up as annual substitute about half of the quota authorized by the Mef for the identification of new permanent teachers.

The problem is notor: there are various empty rankings, especially in secondary schools and in the North, and also many not yet published competition rankings. Even the same quick call, created “to make available to GaE and teachers included in the rankings of merit of the competitions of other regions / provinces the remaining places from the ordinary procedure of entry into the role – could, after the flop of 2020 (only 2,000 hires) be discarded once again due to territorial constraints after hiring “, the specialized press rightly writes. How”lifeboat“You could have used the provincial rankings for substitutes, only that the administration considers only the precarious teachers included in the first GPS bracket for support posts useful for the entry into the role.

“That of limiting the entries in the role from GPS to the first support band – he explains Marcello Pacifico, national president of Anief – it is a serious mistake of the administration, which will cause the loss of many permanent hires and will further inflate the number of annual substitutes. Considering the delays in the formation of the merit rankings and the lack of aspirants in many GaE, it was necessary to extend the procedure also to the common disciplines, where there are many teachers qualified to teach and with years of experience. It has not been done and after having reported everything to the European Committee for Social Rights and the Committee of Ministers of the European Council, we are going to bring the matter to the Italian courts, because many teachers can arrive from the GPS to be hired “, he concludes. Pacific.

L’Anief Research Department has therefore decided to pre-appeal in court to include curricular places in first and second grade schools among the candidates for permanent hiring.
