Video: Saudi Arabia is on the agenda with the interesting city “The Line”

Video Saudi Arabia is on the agenda with the interesting

Saudi Arabiahas been working on a project called “Neom” for a long time and here the interesting city is featured in “The Line” taking.

It has an incredible financial power obtained from petroleum. Saudi Arabia, working on the living spaces of the future. The country, which wants to establish livable environments on the desert with the effect of global warming, is developing a 500 billion dollar mega-city project under the name of “Neom” in this context. Here, there will be “The Line” as a separate city. Introduced in the new video above, “The Line” has a unique structure straight out of science fiction movies. The country wants to establish a vertical living space within The Line. This city, which will have a height of 500 meters and a width of 200 meters if it can be truly finished, will not contain a road or an automobile. The city, which will be 170 km long, will be accessible from one end to the other in 20 minutes with the high-speed train system.

This futuristic city, whose exterior will be designed from glass, will provide living space for more than 9 million people according to estimates and will center the use of 100 percent renewable energy. “The Line”, which is claimed to have a high temperature control, will not be real as you can imagine. The country itself for this project 2030 While pointing out the year, experts state that a longer period is needed for such a project.


Like many other projects, it is imagined intertwined with nature. The Lineis among the wild dreams of the future, but it is also in the position of a project that can become a reality if it is supported financially. In the Arabian peninsula, very stupid projects have already been implemented.
