Now the young storks are taking off on their own wings

Now the young storks are taking off on their own

Published: Less than 30 min ago

full screen On Saturday, 96 of the storks raised in the stork enclosure at Hemmestorps Mölla outside Veberöd in Skåne will be released. Archive image. Photo: Emil Langvad/TT

2022 looks to be a good year for the Swedish stork tribe. 48 free pairs have bred and they have had 104 young.

Almost 70 years ago, in 1954, the stork disappeared from Sweden. In order to regain a viable Swedish stork population, the Stork Project was formed in 1989, which is a collaboration between the Nature Conservation Society in Skåne and the Skåne Ornithological Association. Within the project, work is being done, among other things, with the breeding and release of storks, ring marking and setting up of nesting platforms.

According to a press release from the project, it has been a good year for the Swedish stork tribe. This year, 48 free pairs are breeding, which have produced a total of 104 young around Scania. In addition, four new nesting sites have been added.

On Saturday, most of the stork kings that were raised in stork enclosures will be released from the enclosure at Hemmestorp’s mill in Sjöbo municipality. A total of 96 storks will test their wings in freedom for the first time at the traditional stork release.
