Kurdish SDF commander killed by Turkish drone strike

Kurdish SDF commander killed by Turkish drone strike

Salwa Yusuk was hit along with two other Syrian Democratic Forces fighters by a Turkish drone strike on Friday July 22. This strike highlights the differences between the Turks and their allies against the Kurds.

Since May, Turkey has been threatening to launch an operation against the Syrian Democratic Forces in northeastern Syria to create a buffer zone along its border with this group which it describes as terrorist. Faced with the reluctance of other regional players, Ankara has not yet taken action. But Turkish army steps up strikes in Kurdistan : Wednesday in Iraq, Friday in Syria.

It was the latter that claimed the lives of Salwa Yusuk and two other Syrian Democratic Forces fighters. Salwa Yusuk was the SDF commander in charge of joint operations with the international coalition engaged in the fight against the Islamic State organization.

The SDF Chief of Staff called the three women on Twitter ” heroines ” who ” saved humanity from the clutches of the terrorist organization. This Turkish strike undermines the war against the Islamic State he continues. And he tries to mobilize his partners against Turkey, asking them to increase their efforts so that Ankara stops its strikes.

Also on Twitter, the American central command praised the role “ essential played by Salwa Yusuk and offered her condolences to the family and people of northeast Syria. The American army does not speak of the Kurds and does not point the finger at Turkey, its ally within NATO, but this tweet earned it a reply from the Turkish press agency for which it “ eulogizes a terrorist “.
