Statement on the health status of US President Joe Biden, who caught the coronavirus

Remarkable words from Biden Whats happening here is plain domestic

US President Joe Biden caught Covid-19 on July 21 and isolated himself. Biden’s doctor, Kevin O’Connor, announced in a letter that Biden, who caught Covid-19, remained 3 days behind in the ongoing treatment with the drug “Paxlovid” and his health condition improved. “His symptoms continue to improve significantly,” the letter said. The predominant symptom at the moment is sore throat. “This is most likely because his body has cleared the virus and is therefore a result of lymphoid activation.”


“His pulse, blood pressure, respiratory rate and fever are normal,” said the letter, which reported that Biden’s runny nose, cough and body aches were significantly reduced. In the letter, which stated that Biden responded positively to the treatment, it was stated that Paxlovid treatment would continue as planned, and that Biden did not experience shortness of breath and was given low-dose aspirin therapy as a blood thinner.

In the letter, which drew attention to the sub-mutation of Covid-19’s Omicron mutation, BA5, it was stated that the mutation in question was contagious and required quarantine. On the other hand, O’Connor, in the letter he published yesterday, stated to Biden that they most likely determined that Omicron’s sub-mutation BA5. (UAV)
