The dehydration occurs when water and salt losses minerals are not compensated by sufficient external contributions. Although the human body contains about 60% waterhe regularly eliminates it through urine, breathing and sweat. A water loss of 2% is considered to correspond to moderate dehydration, a loss of 10% corresponding to severe dehydration.
There are two types of dehydration:
- Extracellular dehydration: loss of sodium causing a proportional loss of water
- Intracellular dehydration: leakage of water from the cell to the extracellular sector. To restore osmotic balance, the liquid intracellular exits to the extracellular medium.
Most often, dehydration is global and encompasses both types of dehydration above.
The infantswhose weight in water is greater, the elderly and those with chronic diseases are more exposed to dehydration.
Causes of dehydration
Primes of dehydration
- Thirst
- Dry lips and throat
- Fatigue
- Loss of focus
- Drowsiness
- Visual disturbances
- Dark and low quantity urine
severe dehydration
- Weightloss
- Low blood pressure
- Dull look and eyes sunken
- Skin pinch (the skin is slow to regain its original appearance when pinched)
- Dry, cold and pale skin
- Fever
- Headache
- Disorientation, dizziness
- Consciousness disorders (malaise, dizziness, etc.)
- Behavior modification (agitation, apathygreat weakness…)
What to do in case of dehydration?
- Refresh the person with application wet cloths
- Give it to to drink frequently, especially drinks containing sugar and mineral salts (sugar water, vegetable broth, etc.)
- Severe dehydration is treated in a hospital setting, with infusion of glucose water and added mineral salts.
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