Failed James Bond competition was canceled right after a movie

Failed James Bond competition was canceled right after a movie

Even in the face of the superhero boom, James Bond has proven to be one of cinema’s most dependable brands, as evidenced most recently by the success of No Time To Die. No wonder the major Hollywood studios regularly attempt one comparable action series to put in position.

While Universal was able to create a successful antithesis to the classic Bond adventures with the Bourne films at the beginning of the 2000s, there have been many other attempts who have failed. This includes Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit, which would breathe new life into Paramount’s Jack Ryan franchise.

  • Today on TV: Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit airs tonight at 10:20 p.m. on Sat.1. The repetition follows at night at 12:50 a.m. If you prefer to watch the film without commercial breaks, you can currently find it on Amazon Prime * in the streaming flat rate.
  • James Bond alternative: The Jack Ryan film with Chris Pine has completely fizzled out

    There are major differences between the characters James Bond and Jack Ryan. At the end of the day, both brands sell themselves as spy films rolled into one nerve-wracking showdown end up. However, Shadow Recruit hasn’t made a lasting impression on the film world – and that’s despite a terrific cast.

    You can watch the trailer for Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit here:

    Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit – Trailer (German) HD

    Before Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit was the CIA analyst dreamed up by Tom Clancy brought to life on the big screen by Alec Baldwin, Harrison Ford and Ben Affleck. The series reboot was cast as Chris Pine, who previously starred as Captain Kirk in Paramount’s successful Star Trek revival.

    The studio secured three more stars of distinction: Keira Knightley played the female lead, while Kevin Costner was hired as the father figure for the protagonist. The film’s main villain was played by Shakespearean mastermind Kenneth Branagh, who also directed.

    Unlike James Bond, the Jack Ryan reboot lacked any identity

    Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit has no shortage of talent both in front of and behind the camera. What the film lacked was a unique selling point, which would have made him stand out from the crowd of action thrillers. The result was mixed reviews, indifferent audience reactions and a meager import.

    With a budget of $60 million, Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit only grossed $50 million in the US. Although the film comes to 135 million US dollars worldwide, the disappointing figures at home have robbed the reboot of any future. Four years later, the next remake was already in the starting blocks: Tom Clancy’s Jack Ryan on Amazon Prime.

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    Would you have liked to see a second Jack Ryan movie with Chris Pine?
