Is the electric car right for you?

Is the electric car right for you

On paper, the electric car is attractive. But in practice, is it really the right car for you? This is the question to which the application My Electric Car Test will help you find the answer. To experience its functions, do not hesitate to participate in the co-beta test underway on the EDF Pulse & You platform.

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Buying a car is an investment. It is also today, perhaps more than ever, a commitment. More and more French people are turning each year to electric car. It is in fact considered to be cleaner than a petrol or diesel car. At least in use. But is it the right car for you? Isn’t that ultimately the most important question to ask yourself before taking the plunge?

To help you answer them, there are an application : “My Electric Car Test”. A co-beta test of this solution is underway on the EDF Pulse & You platform. So, don’t hesitate to download it, register with the code 202101, and then share your experiences with the Pulsers.

What experiences are these? Thanks to this application, you will be able to simulate your journeys as if you were driving an electric car. Live, by getting behind the wheel of your current vehicle. Or by entering routes manually.

Everything to inform your decision-making

The idea being to support you in your decision-making, you must first provide some basic information such as the consumption your current vehicle or the type of electric car you might consider purchasing. Information that will allow the application to make all the useful comparisons.

Then all you have to do is get started. On the road or from your sofa. For example, test your daily journeys. The office, the shopping, the children’s school. The application “My Electric Car Test” returns you an estimate of your journey time, the amount of battery consumed and the cost of recharging. As well as a comparison of these elements for the same trip made with your thermal vehicle. Likewise when you set out on the road to vacation. You can therefore assess, on the basis of these figures, whether the electric car is made for all or only some of the uses that you expect.

The application also offers reports that provide you with additional details that can be quite useful. The fact that theautonomy of the electric car selected may not be sufficient for your use. Or recommendations concerning charging methods, at home or outside. An estimate of the monthly cost of using this electric car compared to using your gasoline or diesel car. And even a glance at the financial aid available to you depending on your situation. After that, you will have no more reason to hesitate!

Subject carried out in partnership with EDF teams

What you must remember

  • A new co-beta test campaign has been underway since 1er June 2021 on the EDF Pulse & You platform. Its ambition is to assess your expectations in terms of electric cars.
  • Until November 3, you are invited to test the application My Electric Car Test designed to support you in your purchasing decision.
  • A car coffee machine, an on-board camera or even an induction car charger. These are the gifts reserved for those who will share experiences and ideas that will have caught the attention of the Pulsers the most.

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