Agreement on Ukrainian wheat, hope that it will be the first step towards peace

FAO world cereal production expected to drop

(Finance) – “The agreements signed today in Istanbul by Ukraine, Russia, Turkey and the United Nations they are excellent news for the entire international community. The success of this plan will depend on the swift and full implementation of the agreements signed today. Italy has made a strong commitment in recent months to support Turkey’s mediation initiative with the central role of the United Nations. We hope that these agreements represent a first step towards concrete prospects for peacein terms that are acceptable to Ukraine. “This was stated by Prime Minister Mario Draghi regarding the unblocking of grain from Ukraine. Moscow and Kiev have signed two separate agreements with Turkey and the United Nations, with the UN which expects that 5 million tons of wheat per month can be exported from Ukrainian ports.

“I have already said that this war will have neither winners nor losers, the only loser will be the world, the effect of the war has repercussions on the whole planet, we hope that a window for peace will reopen with this agreement”, was instead the comment of the Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoganwhich is confirmed increasingly important on the international stage. In five months of war he has hosted four meetings in Turkey between delegations from Moscow and Kiev, even if he has not yet managed to bring Putin and Zelensky to sit at the table in Istanbul.

There Russiaaccording to Defense Minister Serghei Shoigu, it will not take advantage of military advantages from the fact that the Ukrainians have pledged to mine and reopen their ports on the Black Sea. Meanwhile, the United States applauds the signing of the wheat agreement, praising the UN secretary general and the Turkish president. The spokesperson for the White HouseJohn Kirb, said the US is pressing Russia to implement “swiftly” the wheat deal signed today.

“With the resumption of Ukraine’s sea exports, about 20 million tons of wheat will be able to be placed on international markets, resulting in significantly reduce the risk of a global food crisis – explained the president of Confagricoltura, Massimiliano Giansanti – Now we will evaluate the effects of the agreement on the market, also in light of the downturn that production has suffered and will suffer due to the drought “.

The wheat emergency also affected Italy, if we consider that it is a deficit country and imports 62% of its wheat needs for the production of bread and biscuits and 46% of the corn it needs to feed the cattle, according to an analysis by Coldiretti. Furthermore, theUkraine is Italy’s second largest supplier of cornwith a share of just over 13% (785 million kilos), but also guarantees 3% of the national import of wheat (122 million kilos) without forgetting the arrivals of 260 million kilos of sunflower oil.
