future Prime Minister of the United Kingdom? Who is she ?

future Prime Minister of the United Kingdom Who is she

TRUSS. Liz Truss, current Foreign Secretary, is expected to become the future Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. Who is she ? What does she stand for? Portrait.

After Margaret Thatcher and Theresa May, will a third woman lead the United Kingdom? This is the scenario that could take shape across the Channel in a few weeks. Boris Johnson resigning, the current British Prime Minister is about to be replaced by Liz Truss. Minister and Secretary of State continuously since 2014, the Conservative Party MP qualified for the final duel of her political family which should make it possible to designate the future boss of 10 Downing Street, the Matignon of the monarchy. At 46, she was chosen by the deputies of her camp, just like Rishi Sunak, ex-Chancellor of the Exchequer, or Minister of Finance, of the last Johnson government. His candidacy will be submitted to the vote of the members of the conservative party. The ballot will take place on September 5, 2022. Will she be able to convince a majority of the 200,000 members to become the new Prime Minister?

What is the essence of Liz Truss’ program?

Presented as more conservative than its opponent, Liz Truss defends a reduction in taxes, in particular on companies, promises to cancel the rise in social security prices and to abolish the green levy (an environmental tax on the principle of polluter-pays). Affirming that she will not question Brexit, she affirms, on the environmental level, to want to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050, while building new nuclear power plants, she who is opposed to photovoltaic power plants.

Biography of Liz Truss

Her real name Mary Elizabeth Truss was born in 1975, whose parents were a nurse for the mother and a math teacher for the father, both rather on the left according to her words. After having wandered through the United Kingdom due to successive moves of her family, she joined the University of Oxford and graduated in philosophy, politics and economics. Invested in the Liberal Democrat cause during her studies, she opposed the monarchy… before switching to the conservative side in 1996 and entering politics. She ran to become a deputy in 2001 and 2005, without success, then was finally elected in 2010. Two years later, she entered the government, as Under-Secretary of State at the Ministry of Education, then saw herself alternately entrust the leadership of the Ministry of the Environment (2014-2016), Justice (2016-2017), the position of number 2 of the Ministry of Economy (2017-2019), then takes the head of the ministry of International Trade (2019-2021), at the same time in charge of Women and Equality, before being appointed Minister of Foreign Affairs in 2021. Despite this meteoric rise, Liz Truss was a figure of… anti-Brexit ( read above), before changing position on the subject. And to take the place of the figure of this historic decision?
