FHM: “Death rates are expected to rise”

FHM Death rates are expected to rise

Published: Less than 40 minutes ago

full screenThe number of seriously ill and dead in covid-19 is increasing. Stock Photography. Photo: Johan Nilsson / TT

The number of covid patients is increasing for the sixth week in a row, new figures from the Swedish Public Health Agency (FHM) show.

In more than half of Sweden’s regions, an increase in reported cases is seen during week 28. The total number of confirmed covid-infected last week was 4,726 people, which is an increase of 22 percent from the previous week.

Cases also continued to increase among people in special housing for the elderly and people with home care. Among people with home care, the number of infections has increased by 40 percent compared with the week before.

More also become seriously ill or die in covid-19. During the week, 12 new intensive care patients with confirmed covid-19 were reported in seven different regions. 35 confirmed infected had died until week 26. Exactly what the death rate looks like in the weeks after is not known for sure due to delays in the reporting but, writes FHM, “the death rate is expected to rise with the increasing spread of infection”.

The increase is mainly due to the omicron variant BA.5, which can infect both people who have been vaccinated or who have undergone previous covid-19 infection. However, the vaccine protects against serious illness and death.
