The US press is talking about it! Turkish SİHAs changed the balance…

The US press is talking about it Turkish SIHAs changed

Breaking news .. The tension on the border between Ukraine and Russia took its place on the world agenda for a long time. Washington Post newspaper in the USA focused on the changing balances in the region after the Armed Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (SİHA) sold from Turkey to Ukraine.

SİHAs, which changed the balance of military power in Ukraine, were used for the first time on October 26 last year, by targeting Russian targets. “This was another sign for Russia that Ukraine is increasing its arsenal to potentially change the military balance in the region,” wrote the Washington Post. it was said.


In the article, which emphasized that SİHAs were put on alert for Russia, “Turkey and Ukraine also agreed to establish a SİHA production facility in Ukraine.” expression was used.

“I think that this, of course, creates completely different conditions for hostilities. It is an emotional and real influence on the enemy,” said Ukrainian military expert Serhiy Zgurets. said.

Washington Post newspaper in the USA focused on the changing balances in the region after the Armed Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (SİHAs) sold from Turkey to Ukraine.


“The Ukrainian Armed Forces will continue to increase the tactics and methods in which the Bayraktars are involved to deter Russian aggression and protect Ukraine’s interests,” Ukraine’s Ministry of Defense has said in the past. description has been posted.

“This is totally unpleasant news for Russians. Ukraine is buying the product, which is considered a ‘game-changing app’,” said Kiev-based analyst Oleksiy Arestovych. expressed as.


Washington Post, Bayraktar of SİHAs, “offers stealth air power to countries well below the cost of maintaining traditional air force. They have been prominently found in conflicts in Libya and Syria, but perhaps Azerbaijan’s use of TB2s against Armenia in 2020 It inspired Ukraine.” used the phrases.

