ENAC to protect passengers with reduced mobility and disabilities: permanent technical table set up

Air transport Di Palma Enac strikes stop from the end

(Finance) – The rights and needs of passengers with disability oa mobility reduced to the center of the work of the “Permanent Technical Table for the protection of the rights of passengers with disabilities and reduced mobility (PRM)”, set up today, at the headquarters ENAC. The constitution of the table has been the subject of some meetings in recent weeks between the President of ENAC, State Advocate Pierluigi Di Palmaand the Minister for Disabilities, Senator Erika Stefani, with the aim of giving answers to thousands of people and families on the subject of the right to mobility.

Of the table coordinated by ENAC, the body responsible for the Community Regulation 1107/2006 concerning the rights of persons with disabilities and persons with reduced mobility in the transport airplane, all the components of the sector and the main trade associations are part of it. L’objective is to jointly address, on the basis of the specific skills and knowledge of each participant, the regulatory, regulatory, operational and training issues related to assistance activities for people with disabilities and people with reduced mobility.

The works were opened by the Deputy Director General of ENAC, Mauro Bell, which highlighted the importance that the Entity reserves to these issues and which has led to the establishment, from January of this year, a direction dedicated to the protection of Passengers’ Rights to bring the public interest back to the center of the Entity’s action and air transport users. The table it will meet periodically to address the most important issues, address and resolve any critical issues that arise and limit the rights of PRM passengers, to develop concrete proposals to bring to the attention of the policy. At the meeting today attended by AICALF, Aeroporti 2030, Bologna ANGLAT Airport, Assaeroporti, ASSOFLY, ASSOHANDLERS, Air Dolomiti, ASTOI, FAND, FIABA, FIAVET, FISH, IATA, ITA Airways, Neos Air and SEA.
