Brigitte Macron and her beauty secrets: hair, weight, height…

Brigitte Macron and her beauty secrets hair weight height

Wasp waist, perfectly styled blonde bob and sparkling gaze, Brigitte Macron is a chic and fashionable first lady. The sexagenarian is known for her elaborate and neat beauty treatments. Zoom.

Singled out for her luxurious clothing tastes, Brigitte Macron fascinates the media even internationally. From the Louvre to the Elysée, her beauty and style do not go unnoticed. At 69, the first lady displays a broad, foolproof smile and takes care of her look during her media appearances alongsideEmmanuel Macron. Deciphering a modern and elegant beauty treatment.

How does Brigitte Macron make up?

To highlight herself, Brigitte Macron relies on her pretty blue eyes. At each of her outings, the president’s wife accentuates her look with black pencil and black mascara to bring out the color of her eyes. Sometimes she even strikes a pose fake eyelashes. She can also apply an iridescent eyeshadow to get a doe look. For a sparkling make-up, Mrs. Macron opts for pink and natural shades that enhance her radiant smile. On the complexion side, Brigitte Macron cultivates her golden and tanned complexion throughout the year. A fan of bronzers or sun powder, the First Lady seems to have the right tips for maintaining a sunny complexion. A nice tan that compliments her blonde.

How does Brigitte Macron do her hair?

To flatter her golden mine and her azure blue eyes, Brigitte Macron is faithful to her golden platinum blond with the effect of returning from vacation. A coloring that softens her features and suits her perfectly. Ideal for masking white hair and the effects of time, it sublimates the face and illuminates it. Dressed and flirtatious, the First Lady of France is always perfectly styled. Blurry or distinguished chignon, hull at the back of the hair, half-ponytail or impeccable brushing, Brigitte Macron reveals a chic style just what is needed and relaxed. Her modern hairstyles and her wispy bangs rejuvenate her and make her more elegant than ever. In an interview given to Paris Matchthe First Lady confided the secret of her absolutely perfect voluminous bob: hair extensions. “A finely woven golden helmet of her extensions which she speaks of so naturally” specifies the journalist of the magazine.

Who is Brigitte Macron’s hairdresser?

The former literature teacher gets her hair done in the same hairdressing salon as her husband. Indeed, it would seem that they both go to Mireille who runs a hair salon in the 8th arrondissement of Paris. In 2021, the salary of the Elysée hairdresser-makeup artist had been revealed by the Court of Auditors and amounted to €5,200 per month, i.e. a total of 62,400 euros per year. A hell of a big budget! So by choosing an external service to have their hair done, the presidential couple thus reduces their expenses.

How Brigitte Macron does to stay slim?

Wasp waist and athletic figure, Brigitte Macron has a sylph line and morphological advantages that help her look young and energetic. Among her many secrets, Brigitte Macron pays great attention to her diet and adopts a healthy lifestyle. Sports sessions on waking, the First Lady maintains her slender line daily. She particularly likes the training bike and the Nordic’s walkrenowned for its many slimming benefits.

Brigitte Macron is lucky to have slender and slender legs and does not hesitate to show them off. Perfectly cut skirts, slim pants and high heels, the Louis Vuitton fan reveals her pretty legs and has nothing to envy to the stars from the top of her 1m68 !
