Brantford city councilor Jan Vanderstelt won’t seek re-election

Brantford city councilor Jan Vanderstelt wont seek re election

Jan Vanderstelt is the third city councilor to publicly announce they aren’t seeking a seat in the upcoming municipal election.

“My time as city councilor for this amazing community has been among one of the most important chapters of my life,” Vanderstelt announced on Facebook on Sunday. “Few pursuits in life afford such rich opportunities to serve as service to the public. It has been an honour, truly an honour, to have served this community over two terms of council.”

The Ward 1 representative said he was diagnosed with occupational asthma, “which has proven to be very difficult to control,” and also suffers from the long-term effects of COVID-19.

“Both illnesses have helped me to understand there are other ways I can serve that will allow my body the time it needs to heal.”

Brantford Ward 2 Coun. John Utley, who is serving his third council term, announced in May he is retiring from municipal politics.

Cheryl Antoski, who has represented the residents of Ward 4 for the past eight years, announced in June she wouldn’t be running in the Oct. 24 municipal election.

Incumbents who have registered for the election include Kevin Davis, who is seeking his second term as mayor; longtime Ward 3 representatives Greg Martin and Dan McCreary; and Rose Sicoli, who was appointed last December to fill a Ward 1 vacancy on city council following the resignation of Rick Weaver for health reasons.

Two councilors are elected in each of the city’s five wards.

Candidates registered to date are:

Mayor – Kevin Davis, Dave Wrobel, Ryan Smith.

Ward 1 – Rose Sicoli, Michael Sullivan.

Ward 2 – Erica James, Gino Caputo, Mark Littell, Jason Smale and Peter Sheere.

Ward 3 – Greg Martin, Dan McCreary, Mark St. Angelo.

Ward 4 – Mike Goman, Janet Paul.

Ward 5 – Eric Mundy, Mandy Samwell.

Registered for trustee positions with the Grand Erie District School Board are Greg Anderson, Carol Ann Sloat, Susan Gibson and Nicholas Archer.

Rick Petrella and Bill Chopp are registered as trustee candidates for the Brant Haldimand Norfolk Catholic District School Board.

Candidates have until Aug. 19 to register their nomination papers or withdraw a nomination. Candidates will be certified on Aug. 22.

Online voting will be held Oct. 3 to 24. Advance voting will be Oct. 12 to 15 and voting locations will be open on election day from 10 am to 8 pm

Council’s term of office begins Nov. 15.
