Earlier alarms about the murder suspect girl’s violent behavior

Earlier alarms about the murder suspect girls violent behavior

Published: Less than 10 minutes ago

A 15-year-old girl was arrested this weekend on suspicion of murdering her ten-year-old little brother.

According to information to Aftonbladet, there have previously been alarms about the girl’s violent behavior.

– I do not leave any comments at all at the moment, says the 15-year-old’s lawyer Robin Söder.

On Saturday, the police were alerted to a home in western Stockholm. Lifesaving operations were launched on site.

A 15-year-old girl is suspected of having killed her ten-year-old little brother, according to information to Aftonbladet. The alarm, which initially came in as a case of illness, was later changed to attempted murder and then murder.

On Monday, the Public Prosecutor’s Office confirmed in a press release that the victim was under 15 years old.

full screenA child has died after a violent crime in western Stockholm. Photo: STHLMNEWS

Has been violent in the past

The girl was arrested on Saturday night in connection with the crime scene, the police have previously stated.

According to information to Aftonbladet, there is a story about the girl. Among other things, she is said to have been placed and the ten-year-old brother has previously sounded the alarm that the girl was violent towards both him and the mother, according to information.

According to information, it has also been alerted several times for help for the girl.

Tasks: Several became witnesses

According to the police, the murder must have taken place indoors. Several residents in the vicinity witnessed the attack and the life-saving efforts on the boy, according to information.

On Monday, both police and prosecutors were very secretive about the case and did not want to go out with any details about the crime or the course of events.

Attorney Robin Söder represents the suspect. He does not want to say at this time whether the suspect has been questioned or faces the accusations.

– I do not leave any comments at all at the moment, says Robin Söder.

A possible arrest petition must be submitted no later than 12 noon on Wednesday.

Aftonbladet has sought the prosecutor who is not available to the media.

full screen Photo: STHLMNEWS
