Headlines: France is suffocating…

Headlines France is suffocating…

France overwhelmed with heat this Monday…

It will be 40 degrees even in Brest exclaims The Parisian.

Brittany is suffocating », sighs The Telegram.

Two hot days », warns Champagne Liberation.

Indeed, it will still be very hot tomorrow Tuesday.

Heatwave and fires: France faces an exceptional situation », note The echoes.

Six days after the start of the fires, says the newspaper, the firefighters are still fighting against the two gigantic forest fires, in the La Teste-de-Buch and Landiras sectors, in Gironde. »

A sign of climate change, this is the first time since August 1949 that we have witnessed a fire of this magnitude in the South West, note for his part The Parisian. Until now, the mega-fires have concentrated on the Mediterranean departments. »

Direct consequence of climate change

In fact, that’s all Western Europe, which is experiencing the peak of an exceptional heat wave at the start of the week, the second in a few weeks, fall within The Latest News from Alsace. Extreme temperatures are the cause of megafires (therefore) in Gironde, but also in Portugal and Spain. Europeans are now experiencing what Indians and Pakistanis endured this spring during the worst heatwave those countries have ever seen. They touch with their finger what the rise in sea level represents for the inhabitants of the Pacific islands: confinement. Difficult in these conditions, points out the Alsatian daily, to hide or play on words not to recognize that global warming is in progress. »

And The DNAs prevent : ” eco-anxiety, climate skepticism, baby boomer slander and deconstruction rhetoric are of no practical help in the face of the consequences of climate change because emotion, guilt and darkness drive everything right to the status quo and compromises. Facing blazing summers and gasless winters first requires imagination. The evolution of humanity will suffer from a small climatic revolution. »

But we are not there yet…” Faced with the climate emergency, the response of the French government is, for the moment, not up to the task, worries The world. It ‘progresses’, but it remains ‘insufficient’, warned the High Council for the Climate, in its fourth annual report, published at the end of June. So that “major risks persist” of not achieving the targets for reducing greenhouse gas emissions for 2030, according to the independent body, which calls for a “jump” in climate action. »

Purchasing power: the government’s offensive

Also on the front page: purchasing power: decisive week for the executive is the great title of the Figaro.

The government is approaching an important week this Monday with the start of examination in public session of its text in support of purchasing power, point to the newspaper. Scalded by the barrage of opposition last week against its health bill, the government of Elisabeth Borne must prove that it is indeed able to move forward despite the absence of an absolute majority at the Palais Bourbon . »

So, “ this flagship text announced for many weeks should make it possible, pell-mell, to limit the rise in rents, to pay back-to-school food aid, to create a conditional fuel allowance, to maintain the tariff shield on energy prices, to abolish the audiovisual royalty, to revalue student scholarships and the point of index of civil servants as well as pensions and social benefits… »

Objective: to help those who have low incomes, but also, notes Releasethe middle class, ” category also hit hard by inflation. »

Learn to settle for less…

Still, there is a downside and size, raises The cross : “ some of these measures amount to subsidizing fossil fuels, and they should be accompanied by a discourse of truth: we must learn to do without gas and oil and prepare ourselves to live in a world where filling its reservoir will be more expensive. We can thus regret, continues La Croix, that this text of law does not include any incentive to reduce our consumption, nor any measure aimed at accelerating the energy transition. Five months after the outbreak of war in Ukraine, it’s time to say that sobriety is not a punishment. And that we don’t live any worse by settling for less. »
