Hospital receives JO criticism for text failure

Hospital receives JO criticism for text failure

Published: Less than 20 minutes ago

Updated: Just now

full screen The ombudsman directs criticism at Norrland University Hospital for text messages to the wrong person. Stock Photography. Photo: Annika Byrde / NTB / TT

Norrland University Hospital receives criticism from the Ombudsman, JO, after the hospital sent two text messages with summonses before a visit that contained information about name, time and care department to the wrong person, reports P4 Västerbotten.

According to the report, the person who received the messages must have been controlling and violent towards the patient for whom the text message was intended for a long time.

The region writes in a reply to the Ombudsman that it regrets what happened and states that it will take measures to ensure that something similar does not happen again.
