First summer without restrictions: “Like 2019 again”

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SVT has called around to three different hotels in the county, all of which say that the business is now largely back to what it was before the pandemic.

– It’s fantastic, it’s like 2019 again. Vadstena is alive again, says Mathilda Milton, CEO of Vadstena Klosterhotell.

At Vadstena Klosterhotell, they have retained certain changes that were introduced during the pandemic, such as giving guests the opportunity to have breakfast at different times. It contributes to reduced congestion during breakfast and leads to better service, says Mathilda Milton.

However, there are still some concerns left in the hotel business. Lack of cleaners is something that is noticeable, says Lasse Andersson, hotel owner at Hotell Carl Friman.

– People often only sleep overnight in the summer compared to the rest of the year, as many often stay more nights, which means that it needs to be cleaned more often, says Lasse Andersson.
