These mammals grow their food too

We are not the only mammals to cultivate our food

They are identifiable by mounds of sandy soil that dot a field: gophers, small rodents, cultivate the Earth under our feet by constantly remodeling it. These rodents turn out to be the only mammals besides humans that practice agriculture!

We are not the only ones mammals to practice agriculture. This is what has just been demonstrated by a study in the journal Current Biologywhich focused on small rodents : pocket waffles. Populating certain fields in North America, they spend their lives in underground galleries dug by them, which can exceed 100 meters in length. But above all, they only feed on roots, which grow in these tunnels, and which they then cultivate. “They provide this perfect environment for the roots to grow and fertilize them with their waste,” said Veronica Selden, first author of the study and recent graduate of the University of Florida in zoology.

To demonstrate these cultivation practices, the two main authors spent months observing these small rodents, and trying to keep them out of their tunnels, in order to measure the roots that were growing there. But in vain ! They always slipped through, no matter what roadblocks were imposed. The two researchers then undertook to place a huge shaft in the ground with the ends cut off, to block the passage of the waffles while allowing them to grow. roots.

This little pocket gopher is dumping soil from its ongoing excavation. Digging is so energy-intensive that the roots it finds along the way don’t provide enough food. But by harvesting root crops over time, he gets enough energy to keep digging. © Veronica Selden, Jack Putz

It’s all about definition

And they did see a flourishing growth of roots. By feeding the soil with natural fertilizer, these little rodents may or may not be considered farmers. It’s all just a matter of definition. “Sowing culture, for some people, is what constitutes agriculturePutz said. Yet many other animals, as well as different human cultures, use horticultural techniques to tend to crops they don’t plant themselves. I think the whole question is intellectually exciting because it’s not really settled. »

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