Government, Castelli: “Madness of a crisis wanted for electoral reasons”

Government Castelli Madness of a crisis wanted for electoral reasons

(Finance) – “This was the week in which with the social partners we coordinated a path from now to the following months, with important measures that we were writing in a decree that was due to come out by the end of July, which speaks to businesses, families with within the issues of the tax wedge, with within the reduction of the tax burden “. This is what the Deputy Minister of Economy and Finance Laura Castelli – who recently followed Luigi Di Maio in the new parliamentary group in the Chamber “Together for the future” – speaking on Sky Tg24 Economia, regarding the crisis triggered by the 5 Star Movement.

“These things – he continued Castles – they collide with a madness which, moreover, in these hours continues to be strongly incomprehensible, simply wanted for a mere electoral campaign to try to recover consensus “.
