School supplies contain dangerous substances, warns ANSES

School supplies contain dangerous substances warns ANSES

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    Glues, correctors, pens… School supplies just like office equipment would contain “several families of dangerous chemical substances” warns ANSES, which pleads for regulation of these products similar to that of toys.

    The school holidays start tonight and some parents already have in mind the future purchases of school supplies. These products are now singled out by the National Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health Safety (Anses).

    “Dangerous” chemicals

    Indeed, ANSES has looked into the composition of various products such as pens, glue, notebooks used daily by children but also by adults with office equipment. Result: many “dangerous” chemical substances have been identified, such as phthalates, formaldehyde or even bisphenol A, to name but a few.

    Substances that can be “inhaled, ingested or in contact with the skin, with potential health effects, especially in children, who easily put objects in their mouths” says Céline Dubois, coordinator of this expertise at ANSES.

    Review regulations and strengthen oversight

    The specialists working at ANSES are not the first to point out the composition of these elements used daily by thousands of adults and children. The agency is also calling for the regulation of these objects to be reviewed, because at present “Neither in France nor in Europe, are school supplies covered by specific regulations governing their composition, manufacture or use to ensure their safety” she points out.

    Only exception: markers, colored pencils and paint

    The only products that fall under toy regulations are “markers, colored pencils and paint“. In addition to this regulatory change, “ANSES also calls on manufacturers to abandon this type of substance in order to manufacture these elements and invites the public authorities to regularly monitor the composition of these products“ adds Céline Dubois.

    Prioritize no-frills school supplies

    Finally, Céline Dubois advises parents to turn to classic school supplies. Simple products”containing no perfumes, glitter or other artifice that could induce misappropriated behavior by children, such as “chewing” or swallowing“Again explains the coordinator of this work. A way of limiting the exposure of children to these substances, while waiting for the implementation of these changes by the public authorities.
