Don’t even put it in your kitchen! It causes overweight and diabetes.

1657820879 Protects the brain against aging Here are the foods that

There are some foods such as wheat-based products, barley, rye, spelt, and Khorasan wheat that should be removed from the diet list in order to prevent thyroid complications and cause it to function well. Here are the details…


Consuming small amounts of sugary fruits does not pose a high risk. However, it is important not to choose fruits with high sugar in order to prevent some complications for your hypothyroidism.


Whole grains containing high amounts of gluten can cause difficulties in the absorption of thyroid hormone replacement drugs. On top of all this, this protein is often identified as an antigen that must be attacked by the immune system. Thus, in order to prevent thyroid complications, foods such as wheat-based products, barley, rye, spelt, and Khorasan should be removed from the list.

Don't even put it in your kitchen!  It causes overweight and diabetes.


Cabbage and broccoli contain goitrogens. This leads to difficulty in iodine absorption. It is known that this substance is an important nutrient in the production of thyroid hormones.

Don't even put it in your kitchen!  It causes overweight and diabetes.


If you have hypothyroidism, you may have a constant problem with glucose levels and if you are not careful, you can develop insulin resistance over time. In addition, it should be kept in mind that the metabolic function changes… This can lead to overweight and diabetes.

Don't even put it in your kitchen!  It causes overweight and diabetes.


Various vegetable oils are risky for metabolic problems. Its consumption inhibits the hormonal functions of the thyroid and reduces its use in the cells. To avoid this, even without a diagnosis of a thyroid problem, dietitians recommend: organic coconut oil, extra virgin olive oil, sunflower oil, and avocado oil.
