Hopeful news for Utrecht companies: Gasunie does not expect a gas shortage in winter (subject to conditions)

Hopeful news for Utrecht companies Gasunie does not expect a

How, according to GTS, the Netherlands can get through the winter without gas shortages and closing or reducing gas supplies to companies:

– At the moment, 20 percent less gas is used due to the high prices. That lower demand should continue.

– Coal-fired power stations must be able to run at full capacity.

– The expansion of an LNG terminal in Rotterdam and the commissioning of an LNG terminal in Eemshaven are intended to double the LNG capacity.

– LNG terminals in the Netherlands, Belgium and the United Kingdom must be fully utilised, so that as much LNG as possible is available.

– The Dutch gas storage facilities must be 80 percent full at the beginning of the winter. That is now 57 percent.
