Intesa Sp, Turin: first solo exhibition of the artist JR at the Gallerie d’Italia

Intesa Sp Turin first solo exhibition of the artist JR

(Finance) – In February 2023 Intesa Sanpaolo will exhibit at its Gallerie d’Italia museum in Turin the first Italian solo exhibition of JRFrench artist famous all over the world for his uniting projects photography and street-art with a great visual impact.

The Parisian artist – reads the note – will propose for the Gallerie d’Italia – Turin by Intesa Sanpaolo an original client who will unite the center and the peripheries, responding to the objective of using art as a tool for changing the world. By combining different expressive languages, JR will bring his touch to the exhibition, curated by Arturo Galansino, to tell about reality and stimulate reflections on social fragility.

“I am very happy to announce that in February 2023 I will create my first personal exhibition in an Italian museum, at the Gallerie d’Italia in Turin with new works created for the occasion. I visited the construction site of the new museum being fascinated by the potential of this space and I can’t wait to be able to exhibit my new project here for the first time ever ”declared the artist in a video posted on social media.
