The Division comes to mobile and shows new gameplay

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Loot shooter The Division is coming to mobile: The Division Resurgence will be released as a free2play mobile title and aims to deliver a full-fledged Division experience. MeinMMO author Maik Schneider shows you the currently most important information and why the timing is not necessarily optimal.

A new Division game has recently entered the gaming stage: The Division Resurgence is designed as a mobile game and entices with real Division gameplay and the well-known mechanics of PC and console.

There’s quite a bit of information out there about the game now, and I’ll definitely check it out and shoot around as soon as it’s released.

I got an overview of what is already officially known and list the most important information for you. And even though I’m looking forward to it, I’m still critical of the release. Because the mood around mobile implementations is currently not exactly the best.

We include the latest trailer with a gameplay introduction here:

The Division Resurgence – Gameplay Introduction Trailer

division rescue looks good – no immortal surprise please

As you can probably guess, my skepticism has to do with another mobile title: Diablo Immortal.

The mobile Diablo has managed to get many mobile grouches to play a bigger game on their mobile phones for the first time. Including me.

But how things developed after that is very much debated. Diablo Immortal is a Pay2Win game. Not only that: it uses virtually every psychological trick to lure players into the cash shop.

We even have a podcast about Pay2Win on Diablo Immortal on MeinMMO:

Blizzard’s Fall of Man – How Bad Is Diablo Immortal Really?

And while Diablo Immortal has managed to attract inexperienced mobile gamers to the platform, the game hasn’t helped to lessen anti-mobile reservations. Rather the opposite is the case.

And The Division Resurgence comes around the corner at a time when memories of monetizing Diablo Immortal are still fresh and emotive.

The reactions of MeinMMO readers under the article on the Resurgence announcement are similar. User “Bodicore” is already listing the upcoming Pay2Win headlines, “CandyAndyDE” sees a shitstorm brewing.

My first impression of the gameplay: “Yeah cool, Division for mobile. But please no Immortal surprise”.

The Division 2 is still alive: Roadmap shows 2 major updates in 2022 and promises support for next year

Division Resurgence: Important information

At the moment there is not too much information, but here is a first small overview:

When is Division Resurgence coming? There is no release date yet. The game is still in development. At the moment it just says: “Coming soon”.

Is there a test phase beforehand? You can currently register for a closed alpha test phase. It is not known whether there will be open test phases later.

How is the game financed? Division Resurgence will finance Free2Play and accordingly through micro-transactions and a cash shop. However, the developers have not yet shared any details.

So far, those responsible have not revealed which partners they are working with on development, which would allow a connection to the monetization of other mobile games.

It just says: “The Division Resurgence is a free2play third-person shooter for mobile devices developed by a core team at Ubisoft in collaboration with other studios and partners around the world.”

How close is it to the “normal” Division games? There will be selective changes. But by and large they want to give us the well-known Division experience on mobile:

  • Third person shooter
  • RPG character development
  • MMO approach
  • Cover Mechanics
  • Loot & Level
  • open world
  • Resurgence takes place in New York like Division 1, but follows a completely different story and also introduces new factions.

    The Freeman as a new faction

    Overlaps can already be seen in the skill gadgets and specializations, but here too one would like to go their own way. This includes a kind of progression tree for individual weapons. Although Division 2 has had something similar since Season 9.

    The biggest difference mentioned is currently the general duration of missions or tasks. They are adapted to the needs of mobile phone players and are correspondingly shorter.

    PvP is also based on the well-known Division recipes. There are different PvP modes and the Dark Zone should return (via

    We will continue to follow the development of the mobile division on MeinMMO. Until then, we’re interested in your opinion on the game. Leave us a comment on the topic.

    Are you always looking for new loot shooters for your gaming portfolio, then have a look here: The 8 best loot shooters 2022 – For PC, PS4, PS5, Switch and Xbox
