Yewwi Asakan Wi’s alternates on the front line

African civil society pleads for a new democratic model

In Senegal, legislative elections are scheduled for July 31, 2022. On the side of the main opposition coalition Yewwi Askan Wi, figures such as Ousmane Sonko, Aïda Mbodj or Déthié Fall cannot present themselves because the national list of incumbents was rejected by the Constitutional Council. It is therefore the substitutes, unknown to the general public, who find themselves in the front line.

With our correspondent in Dakar, Charlotte Idrac

I did not expect that “, recognizes Oumar Sy, number one on the national list of substitutes of Yewwi Askan Wi. Before the invalidation of the list of holders led by Ousmane Sonko, he had no chance of sitting in the Assembly. He is now propelled to the front of the stage, despite himself. Viewers of RTS, the public channel, discovered his face on Tuesday evening, during a campaign spot

Originally from the town of Linguère, Oumar Sy is an executive of the National Agency for Civil Aviation and Meteorology (Anacim), head of the training and certification department in the security department. He is also the little brother of Habib Sy, one of the leaders of the coalition. Does he feel under pressure? ” We deal with it, the bissap is drawn, we have to drink it “replies with a smile the forty-year-old, who had not displayed any political ambitions until then.


In total, fifty substitutes are invested on the national list Yewwi Askan Wi. Economic operators, teachers, traders, legal interpreters or travel agents, their paths could be turned upside down on the evening of July 31.

At the start of the campaign, Yewwi Askan Wi also recorded a defection: Serigne Mansour Sy Djamil slammed the door. He denounces in particular the exclusion of members of his party in the preparation of lists and decision-making ” unilateral by a group of leaders within the coalition.
