Air transport, Di Palma (Enac): strikes stop from the end of July to September

Air transport Di Palma Enac strikes stop from the end

(Finance) – “There will be moratorium from the end of July until the beginning of September where, due to the rules we have, it will not be possible to go on strike in the aviation sector. This gives our system the possibility of reacting better to a continental situation that also infects our system because we live in total. interconnection“. Thus the president of ENAC, Pierluigi Of Palmaat the hearing with the Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry on the protection of consumers and users.

“At this stage we are concerned with the Before assistance giving correct information to passengers on refreshments that are paid by the carrier. The real issue is the cost of these refreshments and the attempted carriers to play on large numbers, therefore upon simple request the carrier does not give an answer and tries to make the passenger forget the unease immediately and therefore avoid granting refreshments directly while waiting for a call in question “, added Di Palma.

“There is a policy of air carriers that tend to limit these refreshments trying to dissuade passengers from requesting. Today there is also an agreement between Enac and Antitrust on being able to develop new forms of direct conciliation between passenger and carrier but there is a difficult situation with regard to direct refreshments “, concluded the president of ENAC.
