In the spotlight: the very real effects of climate change

In the spotlight the very real effects of climate change

Do'” we continue like this ? “, challenges us the One of Release. ” More and more frequent, more and more intense, the episodes of very strong heat like the one which settles in France impose an urgent change of course “, tells us the daily. ” The heat is serious “but, in front, there is a” cold anger “. At least one, that of Christophe Cassou according to Freed.

A climatologist and main author of the sixth IPCC report, he declares that he is indeed in ” a form of anger, because what we saw was foreseeable and corresponds to what scientific facts had been saying for a long time. How to be still today in this denial of gravity ? How to still hold “reassuring” speeches today ? It does not make sense », Estimates Christophe Cassou.

Saving biodiversity, another battle of scientists

Save biodiversity by considering that it has no price “, writing The world. The newspaper returns to the conclusions of IBPES, the Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services, “ the equivalent of the IPCC for biodiversity “, abstract The world. Eighty-two scientists collaborated for four years, and their main conclusion is that ” nature’s contributions to humanity far exceed the market value traditionally given to plants and animals “.

So scientists are calling on leaders to stop considering nature solely from a commercial angle, from its market value. And we could draw inspiration from certain communities, like the Bishnois, that The world this morning. These ” environmental warriors who live in Rajasthan, in the northwest of India. ” In the name of religious principles, they fervently protect wildlife for more than five hundred years. ” For us, God is in nature, not in statues, and we are ready to give our life for the environment, it is our DNA “, testifies in particular a Bishnoi priest.

Emmanuel Macron’s defense against the “ Uber Files »

While traveling in Isère, on the site of the STMicroelectronics company, ” without jacket and rolled up wrist sleeves », Reports Le Figaro. ” To respond to questions about his relationship with Uber when he was Minister of the Economy, Emmanuel Macron donned his favorite campaign outfit. Admittedly, it is not a specific sartorial staging, but the Macron in shirt sleeves is the Macron who goes into contact, the Macron who wants to convince “, to analyse Le Figarowho sees here a return of the Head of State to ” the political ring “. Yes, ” Macron tries to regain control “, also underlines Today in France. ” The head of state has assumed his past exchanges with Uber and says he is proud to have done so to create thousands of jobs. »

But the manner disturbs somewhat…” Macron assumes and smokes “, valued Release. He ” was spoiled for choice to react publicly “, tell us Freed. He ” could, for example, have recognized that meeting the big bosses of the VTC giant in secret, behind the back of his socialist colleagues at the time, was a mistake. The president could also have toed his party line since Sunday and said there was no deal “, continues Freedbut ” as in 2018, at the time of the Benalla affair, the tenant of the Élysée could not help but add a touch of provocation to his response », observes Release : the president claimed that this story “ touch one without moving the other “. Allusion to a well-known short phrase attributed to Jacques Chirac, note Freed. The difference is that Jacques Chirac would have said that in private, Emmanuel Macron said that in public and in front of cameras.

A photo of the universe in newsstands

And the story doesn’t say if she does move the other ” at Emmanuel Macron … But there is something! Featured photo of Humanityin One of Figaro or World…” The universe as we’ve never seen it “, according Humanity : “ The first images from the James-Webb telescope were unveiled yesterday. Sumptuous photos showing galaxies formed shortly after the Big Bang “. This ” technological eye tracked a light that took more than 13 billion years to reach us “, Explain The world : “ A historical document to understand the history of the universe “. Dizzying and sublime!
