Apple and Jony Ive now part ways

Apple and Jony Ive now part ways

In the past years, there has been a great surprise and Johnny Ive He announced that he would leave Apple. There is one more development in this regard.

Steve Jobs Responsible for industrial designs, one of the most important names of the period and Apple Johnny Iveby announcing that he would leave Apple, really created a big surprise. ive, despite that apple He did not completely sever ties with after Apple LoveForm Continuing on his way with his own design company named after Johnny Ive He continued to produce designs for Apple, which became its biggest customer with this company. LoveForm The designer, who had the chance to make designs for other companies with her, stated that she wanted to continue the peak of her career and her talents in different fields. What brings this issue up today is the complete end of the partnership between Apple and Jony Ive. it happened. As it is said, the famous designer will no longer contribute to Apple. However, Ive’s touch will continue to be felt in Apple products for a while, through the collaborations made so far.

After Jony Ive, interesting criticisms focused on Apple and Tim Cook. One source wrote that Ive left the tech giant because all senior management, including Tim Cook, lost interest in design. Cook, who made a statement on this subject, evaluated these claims as “absurd” and spoke harshly about content that did not reflect the truth.


Tim Cook made the statement that “it shows that the design team and how Apple works” for these news, said that the design team is very talented and stronger than ever, and stated that they trust the new leadership team on the design side to the end.

Besides the development of Jony Ive this may also interest you: The last product released before his famous design left the company
