Sace, Martincich: “Alongside the companies of the Triveneto, the engine of the country’s economy”

Sace Martincich Alongside the companies of the Triveneto the engine

(Finance) – “I am proud to be part of the Sace team and serve the companies of the Triveneto and its districts which represent a real engine of the country’s economy and of our history. With a team of 16 people we are ready to support companies and do our part to support them in their green investments and growth projects in Italy and around the world “. That’s what he said Marco Martincich, Northeast manager of Sace since May 2022, interviewed on the occasion of the inauguration of the new Sace headquarters in Venice-Mestre in collaboration with Cassa Depositi e Prestiti (Cdp). Sace, an insurance-financial group that returned under the direct control of the Ministry of Economy and Finance last March, between 2021 and the first five months of 2022 has already carried out over 7,700 projects in Triveneto with the involvement of over 5 thousand companies and a mobilization of over nine billion euros.

Sace today inaugurates the new headquarters in Venice-Mestre with Cdp. What will Sace’s support for companies in the Triveneto materialize?

“I am proud to be here to inaugurate this new home for our team which, like Sace, has been presiding over this important area for the future of the country since 2004. We currently support more than 5,000 active customers, we have 7,700 contracts in place with local companies. and we are promoting ourselves in the area precisely to support the economic fabric in this very particular moment for Italy. Italy Guarantee, New Green Deal and therefore green transition of companies, and also interventions to support companies in this particular moment of the new Russian crisis -Ukraine. This is in addition to Sace’s typical activity which is that of Export credit agency where we put the best practices gained over many years of experience at the service of companies in our country “.

From your point of view, what is the specificity of the Veneto area and, more generally, of the north-east?

“There are no predominant sectors, the specificity is represented by the prevalence of medium and small businesses that must be helped, supported and advised with both medium-term strategy solutions and pragmatic and concrete solutions. our part “.
