Is almond milk good for health or suitable for everyone?

Is almond milk good for health or suitable for everyone

Almond milk is a milk alternative made by grinding and straining almonds that have been soaked in water. Sometimes sweeteners such as sugar or honey are added to it. Almond milks sold in the market generally contain less almonds and more water.

Some of them are also enriched with vitamins and minerals.

100 milliliters of fortified almond milk usually contains 4 grams of protein and 120 milligrams of calcium.

So is almond milk really good for health? Can anyone drink almond milk? Nutritionist Nicola Shubrook wrote for the BBC Good Food website.

Five benefits of almond milk

one. Dairy-free and vegan

Since almond milk is herbal, it is a product that can be easily used by those who are allergic to cow’s milk or vegans.

2. naturally lactose free

Not everyone can easily digest the enzyme called lactose, which is naturally found in animal milks.

Almonds are naturally lactose-free and therefore a milk alternative for those with lactose intolerance.

3. low in calories

Compared to other ‘milks’, almond milk is very low in calories. Calories in 100 milliliters of almond milk range from 30 to 55.

This makes almond milk a good option for those counting calories.

4. A good calci**y**may be a source of um

For those who follow a vegetarian or vegan diet, fortified almond milk is a good way to increase their calcium intake.

Added almond milk generally contains 120 milligrams of calcium per 100 milliliters. This is on par with cow’s milk.

Adults are recommended to get 700 milligrams of calcium per day.

However, home-made almond milk is not fortified, so it is not suitable for meeting calcium needs.

5. with vitamins

Almonds are also a good source of vitamin E.

Vitamin E is an important antioxidant for skin and eye health as well as helping the immune system. Some commercial almond milks have added vitamins, including vitamin D.

Vitamin D helps the body absorb and use calcium.

Vitamin B12, which helps the nervous system, is also added to most plant milks, as it is a vitamin normally found in animal foods.

Can anyone drink almond milk?

Many people can drink almond milk without any inconvenience. However, there are some issues that need attention.

Not suitable for those with nut allergies. If you have such an allergy, you should avoid almond milk.

From the age of one year, children can be given non-sweetener vegetable milks, including almond milk, as part of a balanced diet.

However, since almond milk is low in calories, protein and fat, it should not be given to children too much and should not become an important part of the nutrition plan.

Vegans and those who eat mostly vegetables should prefer enriched almond milk in order to get all the vitamins and minerals they need.

Health news on BBC websites is for informational purposes only and should not be considered medical advice.

Is almond milk good for health or suitable for everyone?
