the repression of any critical voice intensifies

the repression of any critical voice intensifies

New illustration of the repression of any critical voice in Nicaragua two journalists from the country’s main daily have been remanded in custody for 90 days. At the same time, hundreds of NGOs have been forced to close their doors since 2018.

It’s a new time the newspaper La Prensa who is targeted. His manager already serving a 9-year prison sentence, and the daily only broadcasts its information online, for lack of resources since the seizure of its bank accounts.

Two more journalists were therefore arrested and remanded in custody for three months. The charge is not known. Their lawyers could not visit them

At the same time, the Ministry of the Interior has asked Parliament, won over to President Ortega, to withdraw their legal personality from 100 new NGOs. This will bring to 900 the number of organizations forced to close in Nicaragua.

On Wednesday, 15 nuns from the Congregation of the Missionaries of Charity, an order created by Mother Teresa, were also expelled. The Catholic Church has had very strained relations with the authorities since several religious establishments offered refuge to anti-government protesters in 2018.

Daniel Ortega, who has clung to the presidency for 15 years, called the move a failed US-led opposition coup. He accused Church officials, but also the press and NGOs funded by foreign donations, of being part of the plot.

Read also : Nicaragua: Parliament dissolves 83 associations, including the Language Academy
