targeted by anti-abortion law, company stops funding Republicans

targeted by anti abortion law company stops funding Republicans

After the Supreme Court’s Dobbs decision, several states, such as Texas, are considering prohibiting companies from financing the medical and transportation costs of their employees who must travel to a state other than their own to perform an abortion. Among them, Match Group, which owns the dating sites and apps Tinder and Hinge. She decided to fight back.

With our correspondent in Houston, Thomas Harms

Match Group had announced that it would cover the travel of its employees who had recourse to an abortion. But pro-abortion activists have discovered, what they call hypocrisy, that at the same time, the dating site group has donated more than $100,000 to the Republican Association of Attorneys General. This conservative association has publicly spoken out in favor of banning abortion throughout the United States.

The CEO of Match Group, discovering, according to him, this donation in the media, decided to stop funding the association of the chief justices of the Republican states and the company Yelp did the same.

But for good measure, Match also ended donations to Democratic attorneys general. In Texas, where Match Group is headquartered, Republican lawmakers are attacking companies that reimburse abortion costs in another state.

Several of them have received a threatening letter from far-right elected officials. The Freedom Caucus threatens them with criminal prosecution and announces that in the next session of the Texan legislature, it will introduce a law to impose criminal penalties on employers who pay for the abortion of their employees.

Read also : Woman arrested for performing illegal abortion in Texas
