Simon was rescued from a burning boat – his best friend Milo did not make it

Simon was rescued from a burning boat his best

Published: Less than 20 minutes ago

Simon Vikman’s boat exploded at sea. He was about to let go when two strangers came to his rescue.

– It was really at the last second, says Simon Vikman.

Unfortunately, his dog and faithful companions did not survive the accident.

full screenSimon Vikman and the dog Milo. Photo: Private

Simon Vikman, 34, had just bought a new boat. Together with his dog Milo, he was to drive it home when they had a tragic accident, which Västerbottenskuriren be the first to report on.

– Everything went so fast, it just flared up, says Simon Vikman to Aftonbladet.

He had set up a route via Norrby, but the high waves meant that he had to divert towards Hörnefors instead. Suddenly the boat exploded and the disaster was a fact.

The life jacket went up in a riot and the fleece sweater caught fire. As the flames rose towards his face, he tried to catch Milo, but it was difficult to see anything.

– When I was about to grab the dog, he went further into the boat.

Fuel leaked into the boat and a flame from the engine caused the floor to catch fire.

– The last thing I saw of Milo was his innocent bambi eyes. Then I saw the black smoke rise, so I understood that he had burned up.

– I really hope it went fast for him, he says.

full screen “Milo was such a clown”, says Simon Vikman. Photo: Private

Holds on to a fender

After the tragic mishap, Simon realized that he himself would not survive if he did not take care of himself quickly. He threw himself into the cold water and grabbed the rear fender.

Fifteen minutes earlier, he had tied them to the outside of the boat to prepare to land – a decision that may have saved his life.

– If I had not done that, I would not have had anything to hold on to, he says.

The rope to the rear fender eventually burned off and he decided to try to swim ashore. But it was several kilometers away and he realized quite quickly that he would not be able to swim that far.

– I thought this will go to hell and swam back to the boat, he says.

He kept himself alive in the middle fender while the boat burned to the ground. For 40 minutes he had been lying in the water and he began to get really cold.

– I imagined that I would save energy by looking out to sea and I would breathe calmly so as not to inhale the smoke and just hang calmly. I had the fire to my left and right.

full screen “It could have been an accident for those who sold the boat, so I’m not angry about it,” says Simon Vikman. Photo: Private

Began to let go

As he worried that the boat would explode again, his body slowly began to give up.

– I figured I would not be able to stand it anymore and wanted to lie down next to the dog in the boat, but I had no feeling in my legs anymore, so I stayed in the fender.

The flames approached and when he understood that it would end badly, he began to count to 30 – after that he would let go.

– But after five seconds I hear a boat engine.

It was Fredrik Edström and Maria Löfgren – two strangers who saw the burning boat.

– They themselves must have had problems getting out in those waves, I am so impressed by their efforts, says Simon.

Fredrik Edström and Maria Löfgren called for an ambulance and Simon clearly remembers when he was hoisted up in the helicopter.

– When I am happier, they are happy to drive me to the accident site so that I can put a flower for my dog ​​there and I really want to give a big praise to everyone who saved me.

Simon is happy that he managed, but mourns the dog Milo, which he has had with him everywhere for three years. He had even changed jobs to be able to take him with him during the day.

– Milo was so special and meant so much to me, it really was him and me to the world, says Simon.

full screen “Rest in peace Milo, will never forget you will never forgive myself for not being able to save you”, he writes in a post on Facebook. Photo: Private
full screenMilo accompanied Simon to work. Photo: Private
