“It’s exactly the same as before”

Last minute The world stood up after Putins decision in

After the release of the 1st content update, Diablo Immortal fans are disappointed and disillusioned. The patch supposedly didn’t bring enough new features. And what is there is sometimes just copied, say the players.

The essentials in brief:

What’s in the new update? There were a total of 3 new pieces of content in the July 7th update. Two of them are actually gameplay relevant. Vitaath is a new raid boss that was released on July 2nd and is far too difficult for most players.

Second, a weekend event with some rewards starts on July 15th and runs until July 18th. The third and actually biggest new feature is the new Battle Pass for Season 2. Players can again grind 40 levels for various rewards, including:

  • legendary and normal gems
  • cosmetics
  • crafting materials
  • However, it is precisely this Battle Pass that is causing tons of threads to appear on reddit complaining about exactly this new content.

    The update overhauled 2 of the weakest classes on Diablo Immortal’s tier list, Monks and Wizards. See gameplay for all 6 classes here:

    Diablo Immortal: All 6 classes at a glance with gameplay

    Fans are disappointed: “literally a copy”

    What is the problem? Since Vitaath is too difficult and the event is not yet taking place, the Battle Pass is currently the only activity with a longer-term incentive for many players. Here, however, the fans find that simply too little love has flowed into it.

    The levels and rewards are almost identical to what was seen in the first season. On reddit, people are complaining that the Battle Pass is “exactly like” the previous one and a “disappointment”, nothing more than a copy of the first.

    There are new cosmetics, but only a few of them and only if you pay. Some players report that they uninstalled Diablo Immortal after seeing the Battle Pass. Some are particularly annoyed by the Blizzard boss’s statement on monetization:

    Blizzard CEO explains why monetization in Diablo Immortal is actually great

    The Battle Pass should actually be the biggest incentive to play Diablo Immortal, besides the grind for loot and levels. In an interview with Game Director Wyatt Cheng, this MeinMMO explained how important he thinks Battle Passes are when they are done well. This is exactly what the players are currently missing.

    There are hardly any positive reactions. While the bug fixes are well received, many players say the update simply lacks the meat. The mood may change after the July 15-18 event weekend.

    Some fans also complain that criticisms are not addressed. Legendary Gems, for example, are still important, but a Pay2Win factor. In the video you can find out what the feature is all about:

    Diablo Immortal: What are Legendary Gems? Facts and locations in 3 minutes

    What’s next? Blizzard has already promised further updates in July that should bring even more content. The class change feature should appear at the end of the month. This was big news at the time of announcement because it eliminates the need for alternate characters.

    Cheng also discussed in the video that more story and new classes will also be part of the free updates to Diablo Immortal. However, we do not yet know exactly when these will come.

    The current development is disrupting the Diablo Immortal player community. Many are disappointed with the game, because it actually has great approaches – agrees MeinMMO editor Benedict Grothaus:

    I want Diablo 4 to be like Diablo Immortal
