goodbye time for these Ukrainian refugees returning home

goodbye time for these Ukrainian refugees returning home

Arrived just four months ago thanks to the Association of Happy Little Shoes of Ukraine, 48 refugees left Thursday, July 7 from Saint-Gilles-Croix-de-Vie, in Vendée, towards Lviv in Ukraine. If the country is still engaged in a violent war, some return because their loved ones are injured, or to help on the spot.

From our correspondent in Nantes, Matthew Bonhoure

In the same parking lot where they arrived four months ago, the refugees return with their well-filled suitcases – five just for Solomiya. She leaves with her 10-year-old daughter, Darina, and her twin sister, Yarina. ” Over there, it’s our home, it’s our friends, it’s our family… We’re going to get back to our work», explains Solomiya.

His sister Yarina discovered here that she is pregnant. Her husband remained in Ukraine. The two twins therefore decided to return to Lviv. ” I hope all is well and that it stays calm, that we can work as usual . »

► Also to listen: The new life of Ukrainian refugees in France

Heartfelt goodbyes

Pierre welcomed these two sisters for 4 months, he helps to load the suitcases, with a lot of emotion. “It’s weird, they’re part of the family. It’s as if your children were simply leaving. It’s kinda the same“, says the Vendéen, his throat knotted. Is he afraid to see them leave? “Totally“, he answers categorically. “Me, I was not in agreement for them to leave…»

It’s time, the bus has to leave, tears run down the cheeks of refugees and host families.

Thank you for everything. Goodbye Charlotte!», Addresses a refugee to a little girl, with tears in her eyes. Charlotte has just given her comforter to Solemiya, a little Ukrainian girl who has spent 4 months with her. The two will hear from each other with video calls every evening, hopes little Charlotte.

► Also to listen: From Mikolaïv to Morvan, the first days in France of Ukrainian refugees
