Race in the sale of used cars

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Facts: Sales statistics

Reduction as a percentage of the number of used cars sold between the second quarter of 2021 and the second quarter of 2022, by county:

Stockholm: –28

Uppsala: –17

Södermanland: –13

Östergötland: –18

Jönköping: –17

Kronoberg: –13

Kalmar: –17

Gotland: –14

Blekinge: –18

Scania: –15

Halland: –16

Västra Götaland: –16

Värmland: –15

Örebro: –15

Västmanland: –11

Dalarna: –18

Gävleborg: –13

Västernorrland: –18

Jämtland: –14

Västerbotten: –18

Norrbotten: –15

Missing counties: –38

Sum: –18

The statistics refer to sales where the buyer is a private individual, company and leasing company and the car is more than seven months old. Sales between car dealers or where the buyer is a scrap company are not included in the data.

Source: Kvdbil who retrieved the statistics from the car register via the statistics company Vroom

The number of used cars sold decreased by 18 percent during the second year’s quarter compared with the same period last year, shows a compilation of Kvdbil, which sells used cars.

– It is partly due to the world we live in right now, with higher interest rates, falling house prices and inflation sticking out. It can make people wait to buy, says sales manager Daniel Odsberg.

High sales last year

He also points out that the second quarter of 2021 was strong in terms of sales. It is one of the best quarters they measured since the company started the measurements in 2014.

A further explanation for last year’s high sales in contrast to this year’s lower is that more people wanted to go on car holidays at home in Sweden last year when the world was hit by a pandemic. This year, more people want to spend their money on trips abroad, he reasons.

These factors also contribute to the falling prices of used cars.

– The top prices of used cars that we have seen during the autumn and winter, those prices are falling now. Prices are still high, but they are going down, says Daniel Odsberg.

Sales of diesel and petrol cars have long been declining. At the same time, hybrids and electric cars have previously increased in sales. But now it has started to go slower for these car types as well.

Stopped growth

Although the number of used electric cars sold has continued to increase, sales growth has stalled compared with the previous quarter. They are a trend that Kvdbil has not previously seen in the statistics. If you compare sales of electric cars with the same period last year, however, sales have still increased by 81 percent. The plug-in hybrids have declined 12 percent in sales during the same period.

Daniel Odsberg believes that there is still a great demand for used cars.

– Demand will continue to be strong even if sales have decreased, he says.
