Baccalaureate pearls 2022

Baccalaureate pearls 2022

As every year, the corrections of the baccalaureate exams are an opportunity to see the genius of the students who try everything for the whole, in the face of a lack of knowledge. Getting stuck, of course, but in beauty… an anthology of pearls from the 2022 baccalaureate!

[Mise à jour du 7 juillet 2022] The baccalaureate exams are coming to an end and the correctors are already revealing a few nuggets, whether it be the philosophy exams, the French baccalaureate or the Grand oral exam which takes place until July 1st. And before even knowing if they have obtained the precious diploma, the students, like their teachers, share a few gems from their copies…

Perles du bac 2022: the “fun” French test?

For the vocational baccalaureate students, the French test didn’t turn out to be very fun, and that’s nothing to say! Indeed, many of them simply did not understand a word of the subject which was nevertheless very important. This is the word “fun”. However, when the subject is “In your opinion, is the game still fun?”. and that we don’t know what this word means, it makes the test couldn’t be more complex… They then shared their reactions on Twitter, and it’s much more fun to read!

When dance rhymes with gastronomy

Some students also did well. At the question “What is the typical dance of Argentina?”a candidate answered “the paella”.

The aces of geography

“¿ Cuál is the capital of Spain? – México” replied a student. “Argentina” replied another. They would miss more than being told that Spain is not in South America….

The kings of argumentation in French

“Georges Sand tries to fight against gender inequality and therefore why women can’t have the same rights as men when we are the same, just the only thing that differentiates us is sex” can hardly be read in a copy, and it is not better in this one either: “George Sand as well as other feminist activists like Olympe de Gouges or Lamartine are all fighting together in different ways”. Finally, Baudelaire took a lot too, about the Fleurs du mal which “appeared for the first time in 1857 but was very quickly accused of immortality”.

History of France

Sometimes also, the students go looking for noon at two o’clock, as in this sentence of a student who nevertheless had the answer written under his nose: “The Vichy government sat in Bordeaux”.

Culture G 2.0

As for the one who answeredAndroid” with consent “quote a great navigator… should we count him just even if Android has not discovered the Indies?

When the Pope goes on a crusade

What is a crusade? For a baccalaureate candidate, “a crusade is a boat trip organized by the pope”.

The word game that kills

“As often the people have attacked a goat and mystery”. Here is the judicious remark of a bachelor who has remastered the term “scapegoat” in his own way.

One welfare state, several definitions

The baccalaureate has made it possible to establish that many do not know the meaning of the welfare state either. So for some it means a changing state, “a provincial state” or “a country managed by a state not yet named”.

budding philosophers

In philosophy too, the candidates have distilled some pearls of the baccalaureate, as reported The Parisian. For example, for a student “the universe was created by the big band“. Facing the subject “Does freedom consist in obeying no one?”another replied: “For example, if I say I refuse to take this philosophy subject from the supervisor who gives it to me, it means that I am free not to do this philosophy baccalaureate because I do not want to. But I am reasonable, so I do it, but I lose my freedom”. The other topic was: “Is it right to defend your rights by all means?” and for a candidate, it is sure: “Hunger justifies the means”.
