For ecological reasons, but also budgetary, reducing its consumption of gas and electricity is today extremely important, even urgent. To this end, certain habits must be changed, as well as some appliances that households use. Suggestions around these points are presented in this article.
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Invasion of Ukraine by Russia, increase in demand due to the recovery of the economy in the world… A long list of factors has caused an increase in the cost of energy in France in recent months. A phenomenon that could still last for an indefinite time to this day.
Faced with this context, the achievement of energy savings in electricity and gas seems more necessary than ever. Among the reflexes is, among others, that of compare offers from energy suppliers. However, here are some other tips that can help households better control their energy costs. Moreover, these recommendations will also enable them to act in a more eco-responsible manner.
Turn off unnecessary devices
One of the best practices for saving energy is to avoid leaving unused equipment on. When not in use, it is therefore advisable to turn off:
- computers, which consume up to 276 kWh each year on average for “desktop” models;
- the Internet box (up to more than 200 kWh per year);
- the television (respectively 400 kWh and 186 kWh per year for plasma and LCD screen models).
In addition, it is preferable to disconnect them completely. These devices continue to waste electricity when they are still on the mains.
In the same register, it is also necessary to turn off the lights of the unoccupied rooms. For information, 12% of a household’s electricity bill comes on average from the consumption of lamps. That of a conventional 60 W incandescent bulb, for example, amounts to 87 kWh per year on average. With EDF’s Blue Tariff, this quantity represents an annual expenditure of 12.24 euros.
Note: keep small appliances (kettle, toaster, etc.), computer and audiovisual devices, etc. on standby. is unnecessary. Doing without standby times improves the durability of the equipment and can contribute up to 10% energy savings in electricity (excluding heating). According to the Ecological Transition Agency (Ademe), standby equipment costs a French household 80 euros annually.
Choose your equipment well
The choice of appliances is also of great importance to save money on electricity or gas. When changing them or buying them, one must opt for economical models. To do this, it is particularly recommended to refer to the energy class of the appliances. Here are some examples in this regard.
New equipment to acquire | Lowest rated | Top Rated | Energy class scale |
wine cabinet | G | B | A-G |
Television (from 28 inches to 40 inches) | G | E | A-G |
Namely: each class climb guarantees between 15 and 20% energy savings in gas or electricity. This drop in consumption is noticeable over the life of a piece of equipment.
Concerning the television set, the limitation of its size is also recommended. Larger models always show higher energy consumption. Thus, that of a 63-inch TV is equivalent to that of three or even four 32-inch TVs.
However, attention should also be paid to the lighting of the accommodation by:
- adjusting the power of the bulbs according to his needs;
- selecting models of lamps with low consumption.
Ademe then suggests choosing LED lamps, which are characterized by a long lifespan (40,000 hours) and their energy-saving nature.
The organization emphasizes that for domestic lighting, this is the best option to choose. These bulbs must nevertheless be labeled at least A+ and have a lifespan of more than 20,000 hours.
Adopt the right gestures during household chores
Another tip to reduce energy consumption: put the lid on cooking utensils when preparing a meal. This simple gesture helps to reduce its consumption of gas or electricity by a quarter, according to Ademe. It makes it possible to shorten the cooking time of a dish or the time needed to bring the water to a boil.
In addition, it is better to give up washing dishes by hand in certain cases. Entrusting this task to a machine makes it possible to reduce water consumption. An average saving of 35 liters per wash cycle can be achieved, provided you run it only when full. Otherwise, manual washing is necessary. It is also advisable to abandon ordinary electric plates and move towards ceramic or induction cooktops. These are less energy intensive.
It is also better to favor drying clothes in the open air rather than in a machine. This method requires no power consumption. Compared to using the dryer, it guarantees a 10% reduction in electricity costs. In addition, this technique contributes to the preservation of the environment (zero carbon emitted). It also slows down the wear of clothes and gives them a naturally fresh scent.
Master the use of heating
The use of heating is also to be controlled. To guarantee energy savings on electricity or gas, it is important to limit it to 17 degrees in the bedrooms. In living rooms, the ceiling should be set at 19 or 20 degrees.
In this context, investing in a programmable thermostat is recommended to achieve better savings. This device promises up to 15% less consumption per year. It costs between 60 and 650 euros, but offers each year up to:
- 255 euros reduction on a gas-powered heating bill of 1,700 euros;
- 315 euros in savings on an electric heating bill estimated at 2,100 euros.
At the same time, it is also advisable to take certain measures to limit heat loss in the dwelling:
- improve the insulation of windows, the roof…;
- insulate hot water pipes, surrounding them with insulation. A necessary operation especially for those who are in an unheated room;
- do not leave shutters and curtains open at night.
Finally, change energy suppliers is also an option to take into account to reduce monthly expenses. To find a contract at a more advantageous rate, it is better to consult a comparator like that of Meilleurtaux Energie. Their confrontation will have to be based on various criteria such as the conditions of tariff adjustment among others. Any penalties provided for in the event of non-payment of an invoice are also to be taken into consideration.
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